App Review

Yuka – Food and Cosmetic Scanner

Yuka is a popular mobile application that helps users evaluate the nutritional and cosmetic value of food and personal care products. Developed by a French start-up, Yuka has gained widespread popularity due to its simple, user-friendly interface and accurate scanning system. In this article, we will explore how Yuka works and its benefits for users.

Yuka Food Scanner – How it Works

The Yuka Food Scanner enables users to scan the barcode of food products and assess their nutritional quality. The app uses a color-coded rating system based on the Nutri-Score system, which ranks foods from A (healthiest) to E (least healthy). The app also provides detailed information on the nutritional value of each product, including its calorie count, sugar and salt content, and percentage of recommended daily intake.

Yuka Food Scanner uses a combination of machine learning algorithms and crowdsourcing to evaluate the nutritional quality of food products. The app has a database of over 700,000 food products, which it matches to the product scanned by the user. The app then evaluates the nutritional quality of the product based on several factors such as calorie count, sugar, salt, saturated fat, fiber, and protein content.

Yuka uses the Nutri-Score system, which was developed by the French government to help consumers make informed decisions about the nutritional value of food products. The Nutri-Score system ranks foods from A (healthiest) to E (least healthy) based on their nutritional value.

Once Yuka evaluates the nutritional quality of the scanned product, it assigns a color-coded rating to the product. Green indicates a healthy product (A or B rating), yellow indicates a product that should be consumed in moderation (C or D rating), and red indicates a product that should be avoided (E rating).

Yuka Cosmetic Scanner – How it Works

In addition to food, Yuka also allows users to scan personal care products such as cosmetics and toiletries. The app analyzes the ingredients of these products and provides a rating based on the potential health risks associated with each ingredient. Yuka uses a color-coded rating system to indicate the safety of each product, with green indicating a safe product and red indicating a product with potentially harmful ingredients.

Yuka Cosmetic Scanner works similarly to the food scanner, but it is designed to evaluate the safety and quality of cosmetic and personal care products. The app has a database of over 150,000 cosmetic products, which it matches to the product scanned by the user.

Yuka evaluates cosmetic products based on three key criteria: the ingredients they contain, their potential health risks, and their environmental impact. The app analyzes the ingredients in each product to identify potentially harmful substances, such as allergens, endocrine disruptors, and irritants.

Once Yuka evaluates a cosmetic product, it assigns a color-coded rating to the product.


Indicates a safe product with minimal risk to health and the environment.


Indicates a product with some moderate concerns.


Indicates a product that should be avoided due to high-risk ingredients or environmental concerns.

The Yuka Cosmetic Scanner also allows users to compare products and find safer alternatives. Users can scan multiple products and compare their ratings side by side, making it easier to find safer options. The app also provides personalized recommendations based on the user’s preferences and goals.

Yuka App – User Experience

The Yuka app is user-friendly and easy to navigate, with a simple interface that enables users to scan products quickly and accurately. The app also provides helpful tips and recommendations for users looking to improve their diet or choose safer personal care products. The app is available in multiple languages and is regularly updated with new features and improvements.

Yuka App – Benefits and Limitations

The Yuka app has several benefits for users, including the ability to make informed choices about the food and personal care products they use. The app can help users make healthier choices and avoid potentially harmful ingredients. However, the app’s accuracy relies on the information provided by manufacturers on their product labels, which may not always be accurate or complete. Additionally, Yuka’s rating system may not take into account individual nutritional needs or preferences.

Yuka App – Privacy and Security

Yuka takes privacy and security seriously, with the app’s developers ensuring that user data is kept private and secure. The app does not store any personal information or share user data with third-party companies. Yuka’s developers have also been transparent about their data collection practices and have provided users with the option to opt-out of data sharing.


Overall, Yuka is a valuable tool for anyone looking to make informed choices about the food and personal care products they use. With its accurate scanning system, user-friendly interface, and commitment to privacy and security, Yuka is a reliable and trustworthy app for assessing the nutritional and cosmetic value of products. However, users should remember that the app’s ratings are not the only factor to consider when making choices about their diet or personal care routine.

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