Game Guide

PUBG Mobile: Tips and Tricks for Beginners

Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds is generally considered to be the classic BR game, despite many others jumping on the bandwagon.  The crux of PUBG Mobile is to survive. There is no plot. It’s: gather,  kill, and avoid being killed.


Choose Where to Land Very Carefully in PUBG

A game of PUBG can last as long as half an hour or, if things go horribly wrong, it can all be over in a few seconds. One surefire way of exiting early is by misjudging your initial landing spot.There are some particular areas that regularly spawn the best weapons and armor such as the military base, power plant, or the various major towns, but bare in mind that other seasoned players will be heading there too. Once you’ve jumped out of the cargo plane, keep an eye out for swarms of other players heading to a single location and avoid those areas like the plague.

Look First, Shoot Later

Once you hit the floor, your first priority is gearing up so you don’t get clipped in any initial skirmishes. You’ll find crucial loot scattered around in buildings and supply crate drops. The latter contains the most sought-after weapons like the insanely powerful AWM sniper rifle but remember you won’t be the only one hoping to grab the spoils.

The most important loot in the early stages is a half-decent weapon, ammo, and some reasonable armor, as well as a backpack upgrade (up to level 3) so you have room for better gear as you start exploring. Any gun is better than your fists or even the legendary PUBG frying pan, so grab any nearby firearms before engaging a foe.

Armor is also crucial so you can take more hits in a firefight. Like the backpack, head and body armor are graded from level 1 to 3, but level 3 armor is fairly rare. Aim for level 2 armor before picking a scrap, or level 1 at a bare minimum.

Health items are also a priority. First aid kits are preferable, but bandages, painkillers, and the like will all help in a pinch. Thrown items like grenades will become more important later on as an offensive or distraction tool once the player count has diminished, but don’t be afraid to throw an explosive surprise if you come across an unsuspecting group early on.

Only Shoot When You’re in Range

This is the ultimate rookie error and it’ll get you killed more than anything else in PUBG Mobile. Deciding when to hide and when to attack is a tricky balancing act, but you should never ever open fire unless you know your weapon has a chance of hitting the target.

While knowing when you’re in range will take some practice for complete newcomers, if you have any experience with PvP shooters you’ll already have a fair understanding of the basics. Shotguns and SMGs are useful for up-close burst damage, assault rifles and pistols are good for mid-range fights, and sniper rifles are perfect for long distance pot shots.

If you’re shooting at a distant enemy with, say, the otherwise fairly strong Tommy Gun, all you’re doing is giving away your position which is a fatal mistake.

Attachments can extend the range of some weapons, assault rifles with scopes can sometimes be better than sniper rifles but some guns are only useful in specific circumstances. Shotguns, for example, are a great tool for clearing out a building but are practically useless out in the open fields.

Where possible, try to keep complementary weapons on hand and don’t carry two weapons that fulfill the same purpose.

Keep an Eye On the Map

It’ll take a fair few games to learn the layout of certain areas of the PUBG map, let alone the whole thing. While you’re getting used to the landscape, make sure you’re paying attention to the minimap and keeping an eye on the diminishing play area.

In PUBG, the only safe area lies within “The Circle”. This circle will begin to shrink at select times during the match and if you find yourself outside of it for too long, you’ll eventually die.

The damage you take in this electrified blue field will increase as the circle shrinks. Early on you’ll be fine for a few minutes, while in the very final stage you won’t last more than ten seconds.

Each new circle will show on your map as a white outline, so if you watch your map you’ll always know where to go next. There’s no need to rush in the early phases, but towards the end you’ll need to get moving to avoid death while also trying to steer clear of other players who will be doing the same thing. You should always be trying to remain in cover where possible, but if you do need to move, move quickly and with purpose.


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